How to Add a Hot Sauce

On the "Add a Sauce" page, you can add a product to our our Hot Sauce List, even if you are not reviewing it. This allows sauce makers / creators / producers / manufacturers / distributors to add their own product. Or you just have the bottle and want to make sure it gets listed, follow these very simple steps.

  1. Log in to your existing account, or register for a free account and click your e-mail verification.

  2. Visit the "Add a Sauce" page. When it gets to the part about the review, you will have an optional checkbox to exclude the review portion.

  3. Your submitted entry will be reviewed by an administrator, and once it is approved, it will show up on the site and you will receive an email notification. We will check for duplicates and sometimes make minor adjustments to correct mistakes or for consistency.

That's it. You'll be able to include additional details, including the ingredients, where it's made, types of peppers used, description, SHU rating, photo, etc. If sending along a photo, please make sure that it is as high resolution as possible (over 1000px in either dimension), so that a proper crop and label thumbnail can be created. Sometimes we are unable to use the photo because it's too tiny.